who is the real casey???greenspun.com : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread |
ok, i've been reading these question things, and i want to know who is really casey affleck because all the people responded claiming to be casey. i am in love with casey and i think hes the cutest, hottest person ever. so, WHO IS THE REAL CASEY??????
-- christie (berry1357@aol.com), February 06, 2000
Yeah. I've been emailing all those people, and haven't been able to get through. E-mail me if you do.christina
-- Christina Fitzgerald (EViLindz@aol.com), February 18, 2000.
I very much doubt any of the ones claiming to be him are the real one. I wouldn't go around saying you're in love with him unless you want to be flamed.
-- - (nef@start.com.au), January 03, 2001.