OT?: Strike by workers at Leningrad Nuclear Power facility could cause energy crisis--declared illegal by courtsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Given the other problems with the Soviet era power grid (some of which may be y2k related)a strike could have widespread consequences and put additional stress on the grid....Russia: strike at Leningrad nuclear power plant announced illegal
Source: BBC Monitoring Former Soviet Union - Political Publication date: Feb 04, 2000
Text of report in English by Russian news agency ITAR-TASS
St Petersburg, 4th February: The Leningrad district court has pronounced illegal a strike of the Leningrad nuclear powerplant's personnel initially planned to start on 5th February. The power plant workers intended to lower the reactors' capacity by 10 per cent a day. It is possible for the power plant trade union to appeal against the resolution to the Supreme Court,sources in the Leningrad district court told Itar - Tass onFriday.
A reason for the strike is a refusal of the power plant administration to double salaries in accordance with the tariff agreement.
Local environmentalists have described the strike plans as nuclear blackmail and have warned that a lowered capacity of power units is fraught with an ecological catastrophe. The Lenenergo energy company has warned that the strike will entail an energy crisis, and Leningrad nuclear power plant director Valeriy Lebedev has warned about criminal responsibility for lowering the reactors' capacity.
Discipline rules for nuclear industry workers were set by a government resolution of 10th July 1998, to ensure safety of nuclear sites and to prevent unauthorized actions as regards nuclear reactors, materials and storages of radioactive substances and waste. The rules outlaw unauthorized assemblies,rallies and marches on territory of nuclear sites, storages orsanitary zones.
Publication date: Feb 04, 2000 ) 2000, NewsReal, Inc.
-- Carl Jenkins (Somewherepress@aol.com), February 05, 2000