Non-Twain drivers for digital camera? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I have a Polaroid PDC-640 which is a great and cheap digital camera that takes some great photos. The problem I am having is that the Twain drivers that come with Photmax screw up my scanner bad. I can't scan after installing Photmax unless I delete all the twain drivers and reinstall my scanner software which is a UMAX 300P.It seems to add a twain driver that is just called "scanner" and I am has a plugin for Photoshop that works without using the twain resources. Does anyone have any idea of some other software companies that have this type of plugin. I would like to try a few before buying.
Thanks in advance.
-- Biff (, February 05, 2000
You don't say what platform your PC is using. Assuming you are running Windows 98/95 you could try the following that has worked for me in different situations. This is not realy a solution but a work around that can save you haveing to install uninstall all the time. Under Windows you can have multiple hardware configurations. Prior to following these instructions make sure the scanner is working properly by deleting your twain drivers & reinstalling your scanner software. Goto My Computer, Right Click & select Properties. Click the Hardware Profiles Tab. There should be a single configuration called "Original Configuration". Copy that & give it a new name eg "Digital Camera Configuration". Now restart Windows. You will have 3 configurations to choose from, at startup. Select "Digital Camera Configuration". Simply reinstall your camera twain drivers & don't worry if it screws up your scanner. It should only screw up your scanner in the Digital Camera Configuration. It would probably be a good idea to disable the scanner or completly uninstall it. You should now have two start up configuraitons. If you want to run your scanner, start Windows in "Original Configuration" (should really rename this to "Scanner Configuration"). If you want to run your camera, start Windows in "Scanner Configuration". Good luck.
-- Adrian G (, February 15, 2000.
drivers from camera ScanMagic ,Wcam 300 ,compatible with XP
-- sahel hacene (, April 12, 2003.