What about the "KODAK CD-R Digital Audio Gold"?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I've read the many post regarding CD-R's and Video CD being played on regular DVD players, but I didn't see any specific mention of the "KODAK CD-R Digital Audio Gold" CD-R.

The Kodak web site describes this CDR as being intended for consumer CD players. I'm wondering if this will improve the chances of playing CDR VCD's on a standard DVD player?

-- MCowher (mcowher@reveregroup.com), February 05, 2000


Kodak makes good products, but it's not simply a question of reflective layer quality. Only few DVD player in the bunch can read home-made Vcds. Brambus

-- Brambus (kdwbr@tin.it), February 05, 2000.

It has more to do with whether or not the player has dual lasers. Only two brands that I know of play CD-R....Philips which tends to pause at very places on the CD and Pioneer which seems to play them with no problem. Every brand that I tried with a CD-RW played them but the Toshiba had a lot of missing video and blockiness

-- Al McCraw (amccraw@ix.netcom.com), February 07, 2000.

Although I can use the golds in my Philips DVD I use the kodak silvers as that probably increase the number of makes that can play the home brew vcd.

-- Ross McL (rmclennan@esc.net.au), February 08, 2000.

These do not work on Sony DVP335 or DVP725 using Adaptec or Nero software.

-- Andy terry (Andy.Terry@Btinternet.com), July 12, 2000.

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