y'all a bunch of inbreds

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread

Contrary to popular opinion, my computer has not been confiscated by the feds and i am not out on parole. i have not been on this website in a while because certain things happened to me in the pst few monthsd which have taken me off the casey fan list. all i will say to you guys is make sure you really want know the people you idolize, because if you ever found out their true nature and see that it is a far cry from what you had imagined, you could find yourself devastated like me. good luck y'all and i hope you find happiness someday.

-- frank williamson (williamsfrank@hotmail.com), February 04, 2000


Frank, it's good to have you back. We've missed you. What happened to you? What do you mean by "Make sure you really know the people you idolize"? -E

-- Webmaster (Webmaster@CaseyAffleck.com), February 05, 2000.

yea what do u mean? dish it out already. u cant just say this and say no more so what happened?

-- jessi (I0chica00@aol.com), February 05, 2000.

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