Need EXPERT help with Browsers : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Help !!!

I'm having trouble accessing any of Greenspun's sites with either browser. I can access any other site on the web, with either browser, without any problems at all at any time day or night.

But, to access these sites of Phil's I have to keep trying for at least 15 times on any given post, and, in the daytime, it usually is more like 30 times.

Is there some magic potion to be used to fix this rather irritating problem?

These are the error messages that I receive when I try to access any of these sites.

Using the MSIE 5.01 OR IE 4.72

The page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

Please try the following:

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want.

Click the Back button to try another link.

Click Search to look for information on the Internet.

HTTP 400 - Bad Request

Internet Explorer

* Open the home page - I also get the same error message when I try to open this page too.


Using the Netscape Navigator 4.08

The HTTP request was in an invalid format or contained invalid data. Reason:

Invalid HTTP request


I have re-installed both browsers twice.

The machine is an Intel 300Mz PII with 128 megs of SDRAM memory, and it has a 3 gig hard drive which is 1/3 full.

The access problem includes the Preparation forum, which isn't that busy normally, and certainly isn't busy at 3:00 am. I have tried at all hours of the day and night,and I can't believe that the server farm here is that busy at 3:30 - 4:00 am every day for the past 2 weeks.

Any help from any of the wizards?

Sysops: Can you beat up on Phil and get him to fix his server?



-- sweetolebob (, February 01, 2000


me too! Ditto for Metropole Cafe.

-- Crow (, February 01, 2000.

The problem may not be your browser. I was having similar problems in December and tracked it down to my ISP. The problem has since been fixed. Do you have somewhere else you can dial into to test this idea?

-- beckie (, February 01, 2000.

If you can access other sites with no problem, then it's not your browser. Could be something with your ISP. One thing I have noticed with my ISP is that I have several local dial-up access numbers available; and sometimes I get a lot faster "service" on number "A" one day, then slower on another day, and vice versa for access number "B".

-- A (, February 01, 2000.

Ms. Beckie & A,

Thanks to the both of you.

The problem is at my ISP, and not with my browser or with this site.

As soon as I read your responses I loaded the AltaVista free access and I have no problems now. Can't imagine why I didn't think of that myself, must be ate up with the DAs.

Thanks again.


-- sweetolebob (, February 01, 2000.

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