Colorado Gas Company moves to stem leaks from huge underground : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Excerpt from story in Denver Post:snip
PSC acts to stem gas leaks
By Stacie Oulton
Denver Post Staff Writer
Jan. 27 - JEFFERSON COUNTY - Public Service Company of Colorado announced Wednesday a dramatic change in how it operates a massive underground naturalgas storage facility in northwest Jefferson County - a move critics say acknowledges the facility's operation was flawed.
The company will lower the pressure it uses to pump natural gas into the underground storage area near Leyden beginning Feb. 15, a company official told the Jefferson County commissioners.
-- Carl Jenkins (, January 29, 2000
-- Hokie (, January 29, 2000.
I can just see some poor sombi*ch riding along, and flips out his cigarette butt...and BOOM! right next to his car, natural gas explosion.Might discourage a bit of smoking.
-- pliney the younger (pliney@puget.sound), January 29, 2000.