Would like to purchase Angora Rabbit Fiber

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi, would like to purchase angora rabbit fiber for spinning. The cleaner, the better, without mats. Thanks!! Patrice

-- Patrice Bertke (herbalgroup@skybest.com), January 28, 2000


patrice, were where you when i started raising angoras 10 years ago? couldnt sell the hair at all back then. I wont have more ready until april and i dont have white just fawn,gray and chocolate . If know one answers you before i harvest e mail me and i will sell you some [use it myself now instead of going through hassle of finding buyers]. Have you tried your local spinning shop?

-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), January 30, 2000.

Check out the classifieds in SPIN OFF magazine. It's available on some news stands or you can get a single copy or subscription from Interweave Press, 201 E. Fourth St., Loveland CO 80537-5655. Their e- mail is www.interweave.com and spinoff@interweave.com. It's great for spinners generally but I've heard a few say they thought it was too advanced for them. Good luck

-- Marilyn (rainbow@ktis.net), January 31, 2000.

I have just posted a question concerning needing information on raising Angora rabbits> Hopefully we will be needing to sell their hair in about a year. I would appreciate any info you have on them. thanks!

-- Suzy Lowry Geno (slgt@yahoo.com), March 07, 2000.

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