Oly C2020Z and external flash

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'd like to be able to use an external bounce flash with my new Oly C2020Z - Great Camera! I have a very old (20 years) Hitacon A300 external flash unit that still works fine on my SLR and does have a sync cord to attach to the Oly. However, I've read that there is some danger in attaching older flash units to digicams. I certainly wouldn't want to "fry" my 2020. Can anyone advise if this is a safe procedure? Also, is there some sort of bracket to mount the flash?Thanks very much.

-- Tim Keenan (timothykeenan@home.com), January 28, 2000


I use a Vivitar 283 on my 2020Z with no problems whatsoever. This gun must be 15 or so years old, comparable in age to the one you intend to use. I had to buy a flash bracket for 16 bucks and a PC cord for 7. Reasonable enough for quality flash wo

-- Nick DeCredico (ndecred@icdc.com), February 03, 2000.

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