Jim Marrs - Art Bell's "Dreamland" this Sunday with the "real" Y2K info

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I heard Whitley Strieber (who's filling in for Art Bell on Sunday nights) previewing this coming weeks show. He's going to have Jim Marrs (master investigator of all things conspiratorial) as his guest this week (30th) to disclose what's really happening with Y2K. I have no idea what's coming, but having heard Jim in the past, I know that it will be different, and entertaining. It will be up to the listener to discern the facts, but in Jim's case, I've always found it anything but boring!

-- John Cauthen (johnr@cetlink.net), January 26, 2000


for those who are unable (or unwilling) to stay up that late and listen some may not be aware that art bell programs are archived and can be listened to be real audio. (maybe media player as well, don't remember offhand)

he just switched from broadcast.com and they have been kind of behind on stuff but think they are getting caught up now



-- boop (leafyspurge@hotmail.com), January 26, 2000.

I doubt it will be truthful, accurate, or sane, but it will be anything but boring!!!!!!!!!!

-- Billy Vyper (billy_vyper@postmark.net), January 26, 2000.

Jim Marrs is an excellent researcher. I have read some of his books. It just might be worth a listen. Thanks, John, for the headsup.

-- Lurkess (Lurkess@Lurking.Net), January 26, 2000.

Of course Art Bell would have someone on his show "to disclose what's really happening with Y2K." It makes him look like less of a fool for being wrong.

-- (I'm@pol.ly), January 26, 2000.

Before 'ya knock him too much, read Marrs' book, Alien Agenda. After that you'll realize this guy is for real.

-- Richard (Astral-Acres@webtv.net), January 26, 2000.

Can someone tell us how to tune in to Art Bell's show? Times and freqs?

Thanks in advance,

--Andre in southcentral PA

-- Andre Weltman (aweltman@health.state.pa.us), January 26, 2000.

I doubt it will be truthful, accurate, or sane, but it will be anything but boring!!!!!!!!!!

-- Billy Vyper (billy_vyper@postmark.net), January 26, 2000.

Oh yeah, anyone who lends credence to Y2K being another other than a bump in the road is going to be incapable of truthfulness, accuracy, or sanity. ;-} Billy, I gotta be honest with you, there may be something to what this guy has to say - he's by no means a lightweight when it comes to this stuff. From what I'm seeing, we've still got a ways to go before we call Y2K a mere "bump" in the road. Talked to anyone involved in processing tax returns for the IRS lately? That was quite enlitening to me... It is this kind of thing that I hope Jim brings to the fore.

Jim Marrs is an excellent researcher. I have read some of his books. It just might be worth a listen. Thanks, John, for the headsup.

-- Lurkess (Lurkess@Lurking.Net), January 26, 2000.

I haven't read this book, but I hear a lot of people saying it's a good read and well researched. A lot of people have trouble separating fact from opinion when they read something like this. From what I gather, Jim takes facts and forms opinions from them. But in his case, the facts are contraversial because they're not in the mainstream.

Of course Art Bell would have someone on his show "to disclose what's really happening with Y2K." It makes him look like less of a fool for being wrong.

-- (I'm@pol.ly), January 26, 2000.

I'm so glad that "I'm" weighed in on this. It just illustrates how well people listen. "I'm", if you listened to Art's personal opinion of Y2K, it was probably the most accurate of all the Y2K predictions out there. His own opinion was that there wasn't going to be any cataclysmic failures on the 1st. He went on to describe how the business community would suffer the worst effects as the problem continued to build.

What you have done here is to confuse the opinion of Art Bell, with those of the guests he has on his show. Yes, he had some doomers on, but just because he did doesn't mean that he agreed with them. He let them state their opinion without trying to spin it for them. Listening is such a basic skill, understanding is a different story.

Before 'ya knock him too much, read Marrs' book, Alien Agenda. After that you'll realize this guy is for real.

-- Richard (Astral-Acres@webtv.net), January 26, 2000.

Another testimonial for this book, I'm going to have to read it!

Can someone tell us how to tune in to Art Bell's show? Times and freqs? Thanks in advance,

--Andre in southcentral PA

-- Andre Weltman (aweltman@health.state.pa.us), January 26, 2000.


This will get you to a list of stations that carry the program. If you don't have a station you can hear it on, it is carried live on the internet (available through Art's site) and it is also archived. Art Bell Station List. It will air at 9:00 PM EST, this Sunday.

-- John Cauthen (johnr@cetlink.net), January 26, 2000.

The program is called "Dreamland" and is aired every Sunday 6-9 PM PST. Go to www.artbell.com and click on "listen live".

-- Don Farrell (dfarrell@nidlink.com), January 26, 2000.

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