The Liquidity : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Another good paper written by Paul Krugman, Professor of Economics, MIT
"A Self Defeating Prophecy"
-- bardou (, January 25, 2000
Second one doesn't seem to work, even tried changing it to www/dow.html at the end. Mousie
-- Mousie (, January 25, 2000.
Here's a link for "A Self-Defeating Prophecy": Link and here's the whole home page: Paul Krugman's Web page(BTW, the error on the name was subtle: should have been "dow.htm" rather than "dow.html". That devilish 8.3 naming convention...)
-- DeeEmBee (, January 25, 2000.
Thank you DeeEmBee. Mousie
-- Mousie (, January 25, 2000.
Liquidity trap in the news.
-- (, October 04, 2002.