Swimming while breast feeding

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Swimming : One Thread

I am a recreational swimmer -- I swim a mile about five times a week. I am now 7 months pregnant and have continued this routine throughout my pregnancy. I've found it to be a great way to keep from gaining too many pounds in unwanted places.

I'm curious...will I be able to swim while breast feeding? If so, how do I keep from "leaking"? Do I need to wear pads under my bathing suit? This is my first child and I really don't know much about breast feeding -- only what I hear from friends who talk about experiences of "leaking in the shower", etc... If I am not going to be able to swim, I may decide to forgo breast feeding and go straight to a bottle. Otherwise, I don't know how I'll possibly get back in shape after giving birth. The "land" excercises I enjoy, like biking and tennis, aren't going to be an option while I have an infant. I HATE aerobics and running.

Does anybody have any personal experience in this area? Thanks.

-- Margie Gurwin (margiegurwin@yahoo.com), January 24, 2000


I really hope you are not serious about choosing bottle feeding over breast feeding due to your shape! I breast fed three of my four children and can tell you first hand that breast feeding is the best choice. My breast fed children were sick less than the child who had to be bottle fed. I assume this is your first child. As for swimming, I swim with women of all ages with children of all ages. If you "leak" a little, so what-you're in the water anyways! Find a supportive group to swim with and they will support your temporary figure. The priviledge of being a mother far outweighs a less than perfect body. Will you love your child any less if it doesn't have a perfect body? Good luck to you and enjoy your baby. They're only little for a short time and then you'll have all the time you want t

-- C. Tallman (allwet@borg.com), January 25, 2000.

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