Leitz Focomat 1C Enlarger?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Has anyone had experience with the Leitz Focomat 1C enlarger? I was wondering what a fair used price would be on one with locking auto focus easel in ex condition . Are they problematic in any way? Any info on this enlarger would be helpful.....Thanks!

-- Garry Segal (bluesngr@ix.netcom.com), January 24, 2000


Look in the FAQs in this forum for a description of the Focomat 1C. It is excellent, but it has to include the negative carrier and Leica Focotar lens for the autofocus system to work.

-- Eilert Anders (eilert@dav.com), January 27, 2000.

garry, i was able to find a focomat 1c for $275 in exc+++ condition. mine didn't include a lens, but i already owned a schneider componon-s 50/2.8 that works great with the focomat. there's a leitz adapter (came with my focomat) that allows you to use a non-leitz lens and still use the auto focus. just wish i had a filter drawer in my (older) focomat 1c. the focomat 1c is a great classic enlarger--good luck in finding one for yourself.


-- kim sherman (ksherman@isdn.net), February 14, 2000.

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