large format : LUSENET : Photographers Communicating : One Thread |
i want to get into large format photograpy but need some help. i have not got alot of money and want to buy a field camera. i have looked at different makes horseman, toyo and a few othere. do you know of any field camera which is 4/5 and is quit cheap. do you know any good web sites? for this type of camera.please can you help me
-- john david clark (, January 24, 2000
I haven't checked the Photographer's Communicating site for quite a while John, so I hope you've received some help already. If not, get over to the Large Format Home Page and check out the archives and the Q&A forum.Cheap 4x5 field cameras run the gamut from Graflex Crown Graphics (light, but very kimited movements) to Speed Graphics (heavier, but more movements) to Super Graphics (even more movements) well, that's about it for cheap field cameras. If you see a pattern here you win the prize, which is a virtual trip to where you'll find a ton of information on these calssic press cameras.
-- Darron Spohn (, May 02, 2000.