Ambulance computer glitch not fatal : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Ambulance computer glitch not fatal 1-18-2000

It is hoped that a computer glitch causing problems in the New South Wales Ambulance Service will be fixed over the next few days.

Ambulance officers have met with union officials after claims mobile computer units in their vehicles began to routinely fail.

The western operations centre in Dubb, says the fault has not put lives at risk because the emergency dispatch has also been sent by radio and satellite phone.

But manager Gary Sinclair says it has often taken an officer 10 minutes to re-boot, when the system has failed and he hopes the fault will be fixed this week.

"When they find a computer fix we have to be so certain it works," he said.

"There will be careful testing over the next day or two, so when that is completed, the quality assurance is done, we'll download it," Mr Sinclair said.

Link to story

-- Carl Jenkins (, January 23, 2000

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