George Bush in Middle East-- Higher Oil prices-- Elections? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Maybe higher oil prices is just what George Bush needs in order to Get Junior in the White House. Take a little air out of our bubble stock Market, slow the economy down, just in time for the elections. Wouldn't want Clinton and those Democrats to have a total free ride when it comes to the economy, after all it was George Bush who got our economy started in the right direction anyway. I know Bush is an oil man with a lot of connections in middle east oil. Bush could be engineering an oil squeeze. Higher prices for about 6 months can't hurt his business or the middle east oil barrons. A little slow down of the economy might help George W get elected. Maybe Mr Bush wants to help deflate the bubble economy Clinton and Greenspan have created so that when Junior takes over next year he isn't inheriting a booby trap economy. Please no flames I'm just trying to spark a discussion. What do you think about this theory?

-- Gambler (, January 21, 2000


I think it`s wrong.

-- Earl (earl/, January 21, 2000.

Believe it was Ronald Reagan that got economy going in properous direction. George Bush, with his famous "read my lips" tax increase, slowed it down enough to end his presidency.

-- JB (, January 21, 2000.

I think the Arab leaders and diplomats are very wise in protecting their own interests and will give up nothing of value without a measure and a half in return.

-- snooze button (, January 21, 2000.

Gambler, I think you've got it right. Bush ain't over there for some Jasmine Tea, a jug of wine and thou. And if Geo Bush Jr., gets in the White House, daddy will be back again for sure.

-- Richard (, January 21, 2000.

I think he's over there to talk to the Kuwaitis about oil prices and bringing them down. He is after all the great liberator himself.

John Major is also slated to be there, which I found strng.

-- Gordon (, January 21, 2000.


[Maybe Mr Bush wants to help deflate the bubble economy Clinton and Greenspan have created so that when Junior takes over next year he isn't inheriting a booby trap economy.]

That's about the size of it. But is it realy Junior who's getting elected or Senior who'll be "appointed". What was it that was Hillory Clinton was quoted as saying "We are the White House".

-- Interested Spectator (is@the_ring.side), January 21, 2000.

May be he's just gone to see why his cashflow's stopped and chew out a few people for doing nothing about y2k :)

-- Interested Spectator (is@the_ring.side), January 21, 2000.

I think thats an interesting theory Gambler - seen it booted around before, that the admin may be trying a soft landing without raising interest rates etc. etc. Seems improbable but who's to say?

-- Andy (, January 21, 2000.

I agree with Gordon......Bush and Major in Kuwait and DoE Richardson in Saudi......nope, I think this is bigger than Jr's well being.

EXIT 316

-- EXIT 316 (, January 22, 2000.

Think it was JIT that got the economy, guess what's next?

-- Hokie (, January 22, 2000.

Excellent thread guys. My apologies for doing an OT for the record:

Richard said: "...Bush ain't over there for some Jasmine Tea, a jug of wine and thou..."

I could be wrong but isn't that famous quote more like: "A loaf of bread, a jug of wine and thou". ...sdb

-- S. David Bays (, January 22, 2000.

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