Who are we?greenspun.com : LUSENET : church of Christ : One Thread |
This is a new site, brought about to discuss things partaining to the body of Jesus Christ. On the day of Pentecost those who accepted God's grace and were obedient to His plan were added by Christ to His body. That is the universal body. The word *church* gives the wrong impression of what we are today, but we can discuss that more later if anyone wishes.
-- Nelta Brock (nib@hal-pc.org), January 21, 2000
Hey guys, I forgot all about this site. In fact, after Kevin posted his last post I tried to answer him and can't get in. I'll see if this works.Nelta
-- Nelta Brock (nib@hal-pc.org), January 29, 2002.
Nelta,I think when you post, you have to change your email address a little bit so it won't change the order of the posts.
-- Kevin Walker (kevinlwalker572@cs.com), January 29, 2002.
I'm from Arkansas, but living as a political prisoner in California until my wife decided to leave for a civilized state. I just started back to church about a month ago, and have felt better then I have in years.However, I am in the process of trying to get back in touch with old friends for West Memphis Ark, and the Memphis area. I am trying to let them know I have changed. Hope they can forgive me for all my evil ways.
Glad to find this thing. Still trying to figure it out somewhat.
Best of luck to all.
-- bud stanley (bud_stanley@hotmail.com), April 23, 2001.