Help, Easy CD Creator 4 said my mpg was not vaild. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have no problems creating a VCD with NTI CD-Maker PRO but Easy CD Creator 4 telling me it's not valid. I'm using Hitachi M2 camcorder. Which recorded directly on a PC card in MPEG-1 format. I've never had a format problem in the passed until now. I wanted to use Easy CD Creator 4 for its menu creation abilities. Can some one else suggest a software product that will use my mpg files. I have up loaded a sample file to my ftp server at If some one else has a piece of software that would do this please help. -Jonathan PS Does any one know of recording software that supports the new SVCD standard?

-- Jonathan Astie (, January 21, 2000


On The SVCD: I found a site on Philips with free software! The bad news is, it only works on Windows NT, It will not work with Windows 95 or 98. Here is the address

-- Jay (, January 21, 2000.

If your MPG file on is 00000531.mpg then it has a too high bitrate, 1664000 bit/sec while VCD 2.0 does not permit a bitrate higher than 1150 bit/sec. Brambus

-- Brambus (, January 25, 2000.

You either have a to high bit rate or the image is size is not VCD compatible change to standard VCD size and try again

-- Paul (, February 07, 2000.

You either have a to high bit rate or the image is size is not VCD compatible change to standard VCD size and try again you should still be able to burn the cd anyway though.

-- Paul (, February 07, 2000.

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