Zone VI Compensating Timer on Omega Condenser Head : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I've ordered a probe from Calumet that I plan to mount on my Omega condenser head, so that I can use it with my Zone VI compensating enlarger timer. (I like using a condenser head with smaller negatives.) If you've tried this and can offer some tips / suggestions / advice, I'd appreciate it.

On side note, if anyone would like to know how to mount a (D2V) condenser head on a Zone VI enlarger, there's an easy way to do this. Let me know.


-- neil poulsen (Neil.Poulsen@MERIX.COM), January 19, 2000


For the second part of your question, I think Calumet (Zone VI) makes an adapter for using Omega heads on the Zone VI enlarger. The intent, I'm sure was to allow for color heads. Give Calumet a call and pose the question to them.

Best regards, Charlie Strack

-- Charlie Strack (, April 10, 2000.

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