rabbits (why do mixed breeds have better dispositions)?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have been rasing and breading rabbits for about 3 years. I have found that when I have mix breads they seem to have a better dispsition. If anyone can tell me why please send your thoughts.

-- Genna allen (gmamagic@hotmail.com), January 16, 2000


Response to raddits

When you are raising a rabbit to show [purebred] you are after a certain trait, coat color, length, pattern, meat quilty, ect.so temperment takes a back seat a lot of times. Mixed breeds are like mutts you get a variety of traits which generaly makes for a better adjusted animal.

-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), January 17, 2000.

Response to raddits

If you find yourself with a mean rabbit or even one with a bad disposition, do not keep it. The same goes with a rabbit that does not take care of her children. I give them two chances. If they are a por mother the second time, they don't get a third chance. If your original stock came from over bred or inbred animals this could be an explaination for their behavior.

-- Leslie Ann Rigley (imguard@telenet.net), January 19, 2000.

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