greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

As an observer these last few days would appear to have a significant rise in both refinery and pipeline problems,there also seems to be an increase of trouble in aviation.The Yorktown plant is a 62,000 b/d facility.I read a report from a woman in the oil company business in which she stated that these problems would become evident in mid to late January.This was the most sobering report I heard in the closing days of 1999.This link was on the sighting sight.If this woman is out there reading this I would appreciate hearing from her as to what her take on the situation is at present.The world and especialy this nation runs on fossil fuel,should we lose a great percentage of our supply we will be in for very troubled water on every front.I dont know your name but if youre out there please respond.I believe you said you were remediating propane fields at the time.Thank you.

-- J (jax@borg.com), January 14, 2000


As an observer these past two weeks there would appear to be a significant rise in people looking for refinery and pipeline problems.

Go search a month or so period in January 1998 or something, compare the level of pipeline/refinery problems then to now, or don't bother posting :-)

-- John H Krempasky (johnk@dmv.com), January 14, 2000.


is this the article you're referencing:


If so, I think this consultant late in the original interview referred to herself as a Native American Shaman or something along those lines. After reading the more technical points of the article, this came as a bit of a shock. Not to say that a Shaman can't be an oil expert. On the other hand she's one of the few experts I recall speaking out.

The head of Chevron was on TV before the rollover saying everything would be fine. But in their SEC filing, they said everything might not be fine. So then you turn to the Shaman in the field?

-- warren blim (mr_little@yahoo.com), January 14, 2000.

"Go search a month or so period in January 1998 or something, compare the level of pipeline/refinery problems then to now, or don't bother posting :-)"

I'm sorry, Krempasky, but your smiley face at the end of your post does not excuse your boorish, trollish behavior. Who died and left you forum monitor?

-- Had it (with@this.troll), January 14, 2000.

My Dear Mr. Krempasky,

Sir for one who has been on this forum such a short time. You have decidedly made wel known your acid dry and unsavory charater. Now be so kind as to give your credentials (expertise). At least where the theer pollys where concerned, we knew their back grounds, professional acume. And could evaluate their opinions from which experience back ground they where formed from.

With you sir, all we know is that you have a passing knowledge of how to use a key board and shoot off you verbal mouth as it where.

I find it rather humoouus that persons of your stripe only come out from the dark shadows into the sunlight. When they think that they can verbally assult persons; after the fact.

Never do tiny little id's such as yours, brave an assult before the fact. Only after "in their myopic viewpoint".

When you fire your "one shot" Mr. Krempsky. Do so with stats, with links to your acidic remarks. Else remain silent.

In your case this advice aptly applies; "Tis best to remain silent and be thought a fool! Then to open your mouth and remove all doubt"!

And as for oil refinerie, pipe lines, coal-fired co-generation complexes...I have a "little" time in their construction and systems calibration. And my dear fellow! You WILL begin to see a marked increase in "We don't know what caused it! But she ain't Y2K boys"! accidents.


-- Shkey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), January 14, 2000.

In case she does not read this forum, I have sent DD 1st Light an email regarding this and asked her to respond.

Sorry, I will not give out Ms Reed's email address.

Get a life Krempasky.

-- ilander -- (ilander@minot.com), January 14, 2000.

My Dear Mr. Krempasky,

Sir for one who has been on this forum such a short time. You have decidedly made well known your acid dry and unsavory charater. Now be so kind as to give your credentials (expertise). With the other pollies. At least we knew their backgrounds contained professional acume. And we could evaluate their opinions from which their experience came from. their remarks had value; and for the most part (though many of us disagreed with them) we respected their information.

With you sir, all we know is that you have a passing knowledge of how to use a key board and shoot off you verbal mouth, as it where.

I find it rather humourous that persons of your stripe only come out from the dark shadows into the sunlight. When they think that they can verbally assualt persons; after the fact.

Never do tiny little id's such as yours, brave an assult before the fact. Only after "in their myopic viewpoint".

When you fire your "one shot" Mr. Krempsky. Do so with stats, with links to prove your acidic remarks. Else remain silent.

In your case this advice aptly applies; "Tis best to remain silent and be thought a fool! Then to open your mouth and remove all doubt"!

And as for oil refineries, pipe lines, coal-fired co-generation complexes...I have a "little" time in their construction and systems calibration. And my dear fellow! You WILL begin to see a marked increase in, "We don't know what caused it! But she ain't Y2K boys"! accidents.


-- Shkey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), January 14, 2000.

Krapantsky = ignore.

-- Johnny (jljtm@bellsouth.net), January 14, 2000.

You're too much, shakey! Good show.

-- Faith Weaver (suzsolutions@yahoo.com), January 14, 2000.

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