IBM thinks the worst is over? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

The IBM Y2K alert page has been discontinued as of Jan 12th.


-- Shuggy (, January 14, 2000


Nowhere does it say the worst is over, or yet to come for that matter. It does say:

"IBM Year 2000 Alerts

This special Year 2000 Alert Web page was discontinued effective January 12th. The following items were posted to this page:

Year 2000 Alerts by date/time Year 2000 Alerts by platform/segment

For more information, you may request assistance through IBM's usual service and support channels. IBM's normal On-line Technical Support - - is available to provide additional information and details on how to contact IBM. We encourage you to consult that resource for current information."

Seems you jumped to a conclusion. If you really want to know, how about asking IBM?

-- fireproof (, January 14, 2000.

That's why I put it in question form and not statement form.


I am still waiting with interest for Cory Hamasaki's latest WRP.


-- Shuggy (, January 14, 2000.

Check this (good before 31.01.2000) link.

-- hzlz (, January 14, 2000.

Why does a stable door spring to mind...

-- Andy (, January 14, 2000.

IBM's Translation:

"We got it, you just have to pay for it now!"

-- Hokie (, January 14, 2000.

What's Cory Hamasaki's take on this? Anybody got links to recent Y2kWRPs?

-- Squirrel HUnter (nuts@upina.tree), January 14, 2000.

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