when do you annoy yourself?

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Do you do things that drive yourself crazy? Do you ever get in moods where you think to yourself, "I hate other people when they do this. Why am I doing this?"

If I were not me I'd slam the door on me right now.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000


I annoy myself when I have the chance to be the first person in Pamie's forum, which means everyone will see my response, and I can't think of anything witty to say.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

I annoy myself when I start to act like my mother! aaaaaaargh!

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

I annoy myself when I'm with a bunch of people and I apparently decide that I must be the center of attention so I talk a mile a minute without completing any thought or sentence or making any coherent point at all but I just...can't....shut....up!

Of course I also annoy myself when I'm with a bunch of people and I can't think of a single thing to say and then I'm just that "quiet girl in the corner"....

I guess I can't win.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

i hate it when i'm indecisive! it drives me nuts when you want to go out to lunch with a friend, and you say, "so, what sounds good for lunch?", and she says, "i dunno. what do you want?" so then you say, "i don't care; you choose, it's your birthday." then she says, "well, i don't really care where we go. i like everything. whatever you want is fine with me!" dammit, i asked you first! and, besides, i don't know, either. i don't care where we go, and , i like everything, and whatever she wants is fine with me. i hate that.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

I hate bitching about the job I'm doing right now. I have one of those no-brainer, life-sucking, inbetween kind of jobs where you do nothing all day and get paid. I actually discussed my lack of any work with the general manager of the store, and he said I was TOO efficient at what I did and promptly gave me a raise. Right, 'cuz that makes sense. Honest to God, yesterday I read all of "The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing" at work. All 250-some pages of it. I hear "Gee, I wish I had your job" at least 3 times daily from coworkers, and yet I continuously catch myself whining about how I'm not DOING anything. I'm fairly certain I'm getting more stupid by the day as a result of using zero brain cells. If I were my coworkers, I'd want to smack me upside the head. Repeatedly. Unfortunately, I can't seem to stop myself, either. Damn me!

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

I really annoy myself when I let stupid people get to me. You know the ones - they come in all shapes & sizes and from all walks of life. They are people you work with, pass by on the street, the people you try really hard to ignore so that you can still count yourself among the intelligent, nice people of the world. It drives me nuts when I let one of them get under my skin and try to make me doubt my own integrity. I work with one - someone who is supposedly manager material. Someone who is supposed to set an example and show star leadership qualities. I could do a better job with my brain turned off. She's the type who doesn't quite know when to stop -- scowling looks, condescending tone, gives everyone the "stupified" look to try and throw them off. She is negative with a capital wine. Energy vampire who wants to spend her day sucking the life out of everyone around her so they can feel as pathetic as she does. See, she really does get to me...and that really annoys the hell out of me!!

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

I am getting to be a pretty sanctimonious non smoker...you know, the kind that coughs delicately and hints at an allergy to smoke, after inhaling the damned stuff for ten years.

And then there is the phrase "these kids" that keeps falling out of my mouth. I cringe every time I catch myself use it.

Oh, and not to forget the "taking credit for buying things" habit I have. I bought a new kind of hay for our rabbits, and they love it, and I keep reminding my husband, over and over, how fabulous I am for buying it....you would think I invented and grew the damned stuff, instead of just clicking a link at petsmart.com and ordering it online. "Look what *I* bought" ought to be banned from my vocabulary.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

I annoy myself when I just whine in general about every little thing because I'm not getting my way. I have this horrible habbit of turning to into a screaming, kicking 5 year old until I convince everyone that I AM the center of the universe, and all must bow before me. (Or at least they let me think that so I shut the hell up) I know how annoying it is, I just can't stop myself.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

I totally agree with Katherine about the whole pointless job thing. I mean, I get soooo annoyed with myself because I shouldn't complain, right? It is such an easy job that pays pretty well and has great benefits. I just hate being sooooooooo BORED!!! The people that I work with take like 8 times to draft a letter. ACH! I get my work done and then I'm bored. I shouldn't complain, but I do. That is so annoying...I should just be thankful that I am not a moron like the rest of them. By the way, is it immoral to search monster.com during work hours? Oh, I hate me.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

i annoy myself when i get defensive over stupid stuff, and i annoy myself when i never have the appropriate comeback until ten minutes after i need it, and i annoy myself when i think i'm foiling the buracracy at my college and end up screwing myself over instead.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2000

I annoy myself when I get grouchy at work. I hate it when other people lose the plot at work - I view it as totally unprofessional to pack a sad with your workmates. However, every three months or so I'll have a reeeallllyyy bad day and do the same myself. And then I feel foolish for a few days afterwards.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000

I annoy myself when I read Jackie's posts and don't understand the lingo, though I know I'll end up using 'pack a sad' within the next week. Which reminds me, I also annoy myself when I plan improv shows ahead of time. It sounds impossible, but I'm always thinking, "If this happens, then I'll do that and everyone will think I'm a genius for coming up with it at the last minute." I also have the problem of taking credit for things. Why can't I just let someone else pretend it was their idea? And I hate it when I find myself sounding boastful with someone I just met. One more thing: I hate when I promise myself that I'll just post something really short and then run on in one long paragraph that bores the pants off of everyone....so are your pants off?

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000

Yeah, Jackie, just what the heck does "pack a sad" mean, anyway? Please, please help us ignorant yanks. (Hey, other southerners out there, doesn't it bother you to be called a "yank" by foreigners?)

I annoy myself constantly. I am sick of my own company. I am sick of my sancitmoniousness about their grammar and driving and everything else. Not a single thing anyone else in the world does could possibly please me. Not even myself. I need to find someone else to hang out with during the day, because I annoy the hell out of myself, and I'm boring. God, someone please just shoot me now.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000

I annoy myself every damn day of my life- and others of course. But mostly I annoy myself when I think I'm going out to have fun, have a great time, drink a little, talk a lot, you know A NIGHT OUT!- planning to stay up until at least 4:00 a.m. hanging out with friends, and- BAM I can't keep my eyes open past 10:00 a.m. I am at the party eyeing the bedrooms, wondering if there are any air mattresses I can blow up with the hosts hair dryer just to catch a half an hours worth of sleep. I am so lame. I really am.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000

I hate it when I use words & phrases that my mother has always used. Growing up I would cringe outwardly whenever she said things like "drat", "phooey", or "heavens to mergatroids!" in front of my friends. Then, just the other day, I caught myself saying, "What's in the bag, goose?" to our secretary when I saw a gift bag sitting on the floor. My mother used to say that! And I don't even know what it means! Who the hell is goose?

I also infuriate myself when I run late. I do this about 50% of the time, and it bothers me so much that you would think I could just stop being late, and start being early for everything so I could have peace of mind. But, no. I am way too leniant on myself when it comes to grabbing 5 more minutes in bed, or watching a few more minutes of tv, or hanging out just a little while longer because I'll still have time to make it if I leave right at _____ a.m./p.m. If there is one snafu (another of mom's words! Auuuugh!) in traffic, I'm done for.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000

I annoy myself when I can't shut up about the current new boyfriend and how wonderful, thoughtful, funny, sexy, and cute he is.

I annoy myself when I get stuck on a catch phrase and I can't stop using it. I'm just sayin. You're not the bossa me.

I annoy myself when I can't stop talking about whatever current hobby in which I'm busy becoming an expert. Do you really want to know about the PH of my tank water and all about acid buffer and calcium in petrified rock. Tell me to shut up already!!

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000

I annoy myself when I'm with other people and I can't shut up and I'm trying to convince them that I'm really entertaining, and then I start believing it myself, and then I'll never stop. And I'll move my mouth too much when I talk. I hate when I do that. Also complaining a lot, making the same observations to a lot of people in turn as if I'd just thought them up, and telling about stories in the Onion. If I had the option, I'd totally flee.

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2000

I am the kind of person who loves to sing along to the radio as LOUD AS I POSSIBLY CAN when I am in the car by myself. But sometimes, just sometimes, I'll do it in front of other people. Nothing worse than off-key wailing along to Led Zeppelin and realizing that you're getting funny looks from the passenger seat.
And I hate the fact that my friends and I are all so damned indecisive.
A few days ago, waiting for the parking lot to clear so we could get out with less of a problem, I had this conversation with a friend of mine.
Me - it looks pretty clear now. You want to go?
Dave - I don't care. Do you want to leave?
Me - I'm in no great hurry. I wanted to know if you had anywhere you needed to be.
Dave - No.
Me - Okay then. I was just wondering.
Then we sat there for fifteen minutes because neither of us could take the initiative and get up. Argh.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2000

I hate me when I meet someone new and I freak out over whether or not they are comfortable and if they like me and all of that. I can't even think,"I hate it when other people do this." Because, if I see someone act in that manner, I'll take over for them. I'm like relay nervous guy. I hide the nerves though. So, I seem like I'm on lithium and am really adept at being interested in stupid stuff.

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2000

I have this reeeally annoying habit of being really violent and aggressive if I'm pissed off... case in point- there's a couple of guys at my school who are just utter butt monkeys, and i'm very, well, touchy, and they love making fun of me just to see the reaction. only lately, the reaction has been swift kicks to the shins... it shuts them up, but i feel so damned... i don't know, unfeminine or something. i also smack people a lot when they say mean things (about me or my friends) and i feel bad about that... but i can't help it. i feel so... ox-ish. i wonder if my tendencies toward violence are indictitive of deeper psychological malfunction, or something...?

-- Anonymous, January 15, 2000

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