6x9cm enlarger -- for sale

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Buy/Sell/Trade : One Thread

Durst 609 B+W vertical condensor enlarger, with 105mm Durst Neotar lens, 6x9 glass carrier with internal masks, 6x6 glassless carrier with internal 4-bladed mask, instruction manual.

Head rotates for wall projection, or dismounts for use as slide projector.

I'll throw in a whole second base, column, head and 50mm lens assembly. Use it for a diffusion enlarger, copystand, or projector.

AU $300 the lot, plus freight. Or make an offer, or trade.

Not enough room in my tiny darkroom for this solid classic enlarger, alas.

-- Christopher Biggs (chris@stallion.oz.au), January 12, 2000


p.s. I'm in Brisbane, Australia.

-- Christopher Biggs (chris@stallion.oz.au), January 12, 2000.


-- Christopher Biggs (chris@stallion.oz.au), January 25, 2000.

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