Now that we are past rollover, where do we go... : LUSENET : HumptyDumptyY2K : One Thread

Well, we're past rollover. But where do we go from here? Do we encourage others to be more self-sufficient, to work toward a smaller, less wasteful government, to take responsibility for our own lives...or...what?

What changes do you forsee in the next couple of years?

Government...more of the same, unless we do something about it.

Economy...A recession.

Environment...I see some improvements in the US, but a net loss due to local exploitation of resources in the third world. Continued NIMBY protests.

Education. Continued dumbing down of standards...again unless we do something about it!

What do you forsee? What do you intend to do about it?

-- Mad Monk (, January 11, 2000


As I've said, we're overdue for a 9+ quake here. So what we do next is fasten stuff to the walls, and get ready to rock and roll. All the neighbors know the danger, which is one reason that Y2k was an easy danger to grasp.

Our emergency-preparedness stuff is going ahead pretty much as if Y2k were ahead of us, not behind us.

-- bw (home@puget.sound), January 14, 2000.

From: Y2K, ` la Carte by Dancr (pic), near Monterey, California

Did We *REALLY* Learn Anything from Y2K?

-- Dancr (addy.available@my.webpage), January 14, 2000.

mad monk

good questions. i wish i had some answers. i know it would be a waste to dismember the community that was created here.

dancr, steve has a number of great ideas. style and content both can be overwhelming (drinking out of a firehose, y'know), but there are more than one i'd like to pursue. but, how? i'm having enough trouble keping my head above water at my job, much less pursuing saving the world.

i don't mean to make light of it, i know it's deadly serious.

should we develop bb's for each issue? education, .gov fiscal policies, smoke-and-mirrors federal reserve banking, environmental, privacy and personal rights?

where *do* we go from here?

i'm open to suggestions.

-- Cowardly Lion (, January 20, 2000.

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