PBC instead of VCD on Pioneer DV-525?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

All the VCDs I've created with Easy CD Creator 3.5b deluxe would show PBC instead of VCD on my Pioneer DVD player Model 525. Is anything I've missed during layout process of creating VCD? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- keyman (kytin@semidice.com), January 11, 2000


Nope, everything is fine. If you look again, when you FIRST put in your vcd it will say as such, but when you hit play thats when the pbc comes up. This is fine your not doing anything wrong. Very few vcds show a time display, and it seems to be a bit difficult to encode them with a time display so it wont just say "pbc play"

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), January 11, 2000.

Instead of play use the #1 button to start the VCD. This will give you a time display on the 525.

-- (waltmid@hotmail.com), February 07, 2000.

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