C0MPAQ C0MPUTER "Backweb" software outdated databasegreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
C0MPAQ released an update to its auto-update feature, "Backweb," on Dec 15, 1999 but failed to notify at least one of its users (me) that it was a CRITICAL patch needed to keep the computer from system lockups, slowing down, and excess system resource usage (even if I don't use the backweb feature!)Warning screen appeared continuously as top window, preventing my attempt to ignore it.
Their website does not even list it in plain english but you have to search for patch: SP12527 and download it.
The tech said this has nothing to do with y2k although the patch was released just before y2k and the error occurs after rollover.
-- Sandwich (anon@anon.anon), January 11, 2000
BTW, I use a C0MPAQ 300 MHz, 128 meg ram, running Windows 98. Updated ROM, RTC, BIOS etc
-- Sandwich (anon@anon.anon), January 11, 2000.