royal oak wood/coal cookstove : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a royal oak wood/coal cookstove circa 1918, I need to find out where to get some firebrick for it. Does anyone have an idea where I might find it? It has everything else that I need for it, except for the firebrick. Thanks lynne

-- lynne (, January 11, 2000


Fire brick comes either 1 inch thick or 2 inches thick. Which do you need? Try the following: lumber yard "super store", fireplace/woodstove dealers, boiler repair shop, and my personal favorite, an old-fashioned lumber yard or hardware store where service by employees who know their rear ends from a hole in the ground make the higher prices (or many times the same or lower prices) worth it. Good luck with your new stove. Gerbil

-- Gerbil (, January 11, 2000.

Refractory cement: Should be available at a concrete block supplier. Build forms of cardboard in the firebox where the old firebrick was, a inch thick ought to do it. Mix up the cement, as thick as you can but still be able to pour it in, let is dry for atleast 24 hours, then, with the cardboard still in, get a little fire going, that will burn out the forms. This works, i have done is many times. Lehman's also sell the cement but it will be cheaper at the block- shop.

-- Mudlover (, January 12, 2000.

I have a Round Oak cookstove and the fire bricks are shaped like a "7" so that they hook up over a ledge inside the firebox. If you need a special sized fire brick you will need to have one of the old ones to make a cast from or find some from another stove (that might be hard to come by). If you don't have even a broken one handy, you might try and ask the people at the antique stove web site.

Good luck. Peggy

-- Peggy (, January 13, 2000.

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