Can you play VCD 3.0 on a home DVD player? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

VCD 3.0 (as upposed to the well known VCD 2.0 that everyone here uses) adds features such as html hyperlinks (when played in a pc) and animated menus....

my question is can a VCD 3.0 disc be properly played in a home DVD player that supports VCD's??? Will it recognize and properly play the animated menus?

-- MrVCD (, January 11, 2000


U.S. DVD players do not have VCD 3.0 functionality. By this I mean the ones manfuactured in the U.S. for the U.S. markets. Many have VCD 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 compatiblity only. Newer Asian DVD players can play VCD 3.0 and some will do SVCD. The animated menus work somewhat well for many Asian models but others crash out. So far the major manufacturers(Sony, Toshiba, etc.) are not including VCD 3.0 compatiblity in any of its players U.S. or Asian. Only lesser brands are.

-- The Lone Ranger (, January 11, 2000.

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