Olympus 2500-L , what are it's peers?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

In the categories of a)speed between shots, b)image quality (especially for printing photos) and c)pro/semi-pro feature set, what would you say the peer group for the Olympus 2500-L would be ?

I have done as much research as possible, really like the Olympus 2500-L and would like to make sure before purchasing that I HAVE considered all the other cameras in the same quality range.

Thank you very much!

-- Angel Foxworthy (foxfx@mindspring.com), January 09, 2000



The Nikon D1, it's a pro cmaera and will set you back about $5000 +.


-- Tom Colsher (tjc74@prodigy.net), January 10, 2000.

That is great, Tom, I feel like I've done my homework well and am now even more enthusiastic about the Olympus 2500-L. Can't wait to meet the UPS driver bring my camera :)

Angel Foxworthy

-- Angel Foxworthy (foxfx@mindspring.com), January 11, 2000.

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