Why can't THIS guy be my Uncle?!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Boy, talk about restoring your faith in mankind! I wish this guy could be my Uncle! (Of course, if MY bills go unpaid, you can bet I won't be able to say it was a "glitch!")http://webserv.vnunet.com/News/105029
-- Ric (ice163@worldnet.att.net), January 07, 2000
Nothing there. Try again.
-- Aunt Bee (SheriffAndy@Mayberry.com), January 07, 2000.
I cut and pasted it again and it takes me right there! About Hotmail and this guy who paid their bill for them, etc.Honest, Aunt Bea!!
-- Ric (ice163@worldnet.att.net), January 08, 2000.
You have to use I.E. - it will not show on Netscape
-- Scarletbreasted (scarletbreasted@hotmail.com), January 08, 2000.
Try this LINK. Merry Christmas, Bill (as if you needed it).
-- I'm Here, I'm There (I'm Everywhere@so.beware), January 08, 2000.