comfort : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread |
What sorts of comfort things do you need when you're really sick? And is there a reason?
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
It always makes me feel better to have a sleepy dog lounge around next to me as I convalesce. They don't care how nasty you look or feel, and they're not going to catch it.
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
A big down comforter, the remote, my dog(to snuggle), the phone(to whine to either my husband or my mother, whoever will take my pathetic calls), and my favorite pillow.I also like sprite, chicken noodle soup and crackers, because that's what my mommy use to give me.
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
chocolate ice cream. and lots of it.
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
my big fleece blanket and my ten year old university of north carolina sweatshirt that used to be blue but is gray now.
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
Creamy things... pudding (chocolate), oatmeal, cream of fill-in-the- blank soups. It's not because of an upset stomach, because I'll eat almost anything, sick or not sick. I just feel like having creamy things when I am sick.
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
My boyfriend. For bringing me anything I want, and providing me with sympathetic cuddles. Icy poles, because, no matter how ill I feel, I can always eat them.
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
*Soup!!!!* And my boyfriend. And my down comforter. And his really, *really* comfy couch... So, curled up on the couch, huddled in the comforter, snuggled with Michael (well, not too close so he won't get sick, too), eating soup -- yay! :>And, actually, that's what I'm doing tonight because *I'm* getting sick... :<
-- Anonymous, January 08, 2000