QuickStitch (enroute)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Dear All, Two weeks ago I purchased the Olympus C2000Z and the QucickStitch was not there. I bought the camera in Italy. Anybody with a same (bad) experience? Any idea where to complai

-- Zsolt Magyar (zmagyar@ri.tel.hr), January 07, 2000


Zsolt -

My apologies, given the large international readership we have, we really need to make clear in our reviews that the software bundles manufacturers include with their cameras generally vary from country to country. We always report on the bundles available in the US, but the operating divisions in other parts of the world put together their own bundles, which may have an entirely different mix of software than we have locally. (For instance, in some parts of Europe, Oly includes the excellent little "PhotoGenetics" application for image correction, which isn't included in the US bundles.)

Apologies for the confusion and your resulting disappointment. We'll now routinely include mention in all new reviews that the software bundles are pertinent to the US market only.

Thanks for calling this to our attention!

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), January 10, 2000.

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