To Jim Lord: What does "Mr. CEO" have to say about the situation now? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I'm curious if you've had a chance to talk to "Mr. CEO" since the rollover and what he has to say about the BITR (at least for now) compared to a "home run" if a good part of the grid didn't go down?

Perhaps a difficult question, but I really am not trolling.


-- Mikey2k (, January 06, 2000


Yes, we're still waiting.

-- Larry (, January 06, 2000.


Relax. Not everyone shows up and waits breathlessly for you, anyone, to post. If you're in a real hurry, send him an email.

-- (, January 06, 2000.

I suspect his plan was to not burn his contacts so his boys could stay in there to continue the effort. IMHO, He's probably way too busy, and it's way too early, for an answer.

-- Hokie (, January 07, 2000.

Yes, Mr. Lord, please respond; you must speak to this point as a matter of principle. Sincerely,

-- Patrick (, January 07, 2000.

No, I'm not looking for a final answer -- just an interim analysis as to why we've had the mother of all home runs. Not looking for any more identification than we've gotten so far.


-- Mikey2k (, January 07, 2000.

Obviously, Mr. CEO missed the mark. 60% did NOT go down for two weeks like he said.

On the other hand, my UPS is really beeping this past week. To put that in context, I have had my UPS for two years, and it maybe beeped 10 times total.

This week it has beeped more than 20 times, thd I have installed a AC line Voltage Monitor. The power is definitely "Dirty."

-- Z (Z@Z.Z), January 07, 2000.

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