Pamie is : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread |
Pamie was diagnosed as having Bronchitis earlier today, so I don't know when she will be writing again. Keep the email coming- I'm sure she would be happy to hear from y'all.Eric
-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000
hey Pamie, I had that a couple of weeks ago and let me tell you, it can kick your butt bad. Lots of sleep and water. And get better. We'll all be here when you get back!!!!
-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000
pamie--feel better!! *hugs* and *warm fuzzies* from me to you.
-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000
Oh, Pammie, sorry to hear that! Bronchitis sucks, although once they get you on medication it goes away pretty fast. Pamper yourself, make Eric pamper you, and you'll be back tae-boing in no time.
-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000
:<Feel better, Pamie! We miss you! We miss Taylor! (Oh, and Cal, too...but he farts...)
-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000
Poor Pamie. Feel better soon. We miss you!
-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000
feel better really soon, pamie! cheers! hez
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
OK. I realize that this will sound quite insane; but several years ago I had a very bad case of bronchitis and the doctor suggested that I put a large paper bag over my head and stand over a steaming kettle, allowing the steam inside the bag. I was to breathe as deeply as I could for five to ten minutes. I am not sure whether it was for medical or comical relief, but it did seem to ease the pain in my lungs and loosen the cough. Remember, if you are going to try this at home folks, use a paper bag, not a plastic one :)
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
Poor Pamie!If it makes you feel any better (probably not) you are still funny as all hell, even when you are sick and gross.
Get well soon.
I miss my daily pamie fix.
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
My doctor once told me that if it weren't for the lungs, most people wouldn't even have bronchitis. So if you can dow without them for a while...
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
Ack... the B-word!Bunch of us in St. Louis have been knocked flat by something or other this past week, I didn't even want to call it "flu", hoping it was just a really bad cold that would go away in a couple of days. Just got well enough to web surf a couple days ago and saw that Pamie was sick too. Pondered global conspiracies, maybe somebody slipped a biological agent into the champagne supply or something.
I don't wanna even think about bron... er, that thing.
Get better soon Pamie!
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000
Get well soon Pamie!
-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000