AOL failure on my : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Yesterday about halfway through the day I could no longer connect onto AOL. I kept getting an error message telling me to go to KEYWORD Help. Now how could I go to KEYWORD Help if I could not go online? I finally had to reinstall AOL 5.0 and delete the former AOL, which was also 5.0. That seemed to cure the problem. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem? Diane
-- Diane (, January 05, 2000
Only get locked out from time to time with 5.0. I have 2 other ISP's and have no problems to report with them (pacbell and mindspring}.
-- Uncle Bob (UNCLB0B@AOL.COM), January 05, 2000.
Diane, I know Taz had problems with AOL first thing.Maybe you could page her.
-- Chris (, January 05, 2000.
The last 4 times on-line have had to hard-boot 3. I use 3 different pc's I use, so I would not necessarily say it was my system. Somethings definately not right. Kicked out is one thing, but Hard a royal pain in the butt.
-- (, January 05, 2000.
Diane, I think it's 5.0. I'm still on 4.0--no problems except getting through to my friend in Japan.
-- Mara (, January 05, 2000.
I find that AOL is almost always the most reliable and fastest of the 3 ISP's I have.Go figure, huh?
-- Wilferd (, January 05, 2000.
I changed from AOL 4 to 5 in December. It is behaving the same now as it was last month. Occasionally it locks up. And annoying failures of "Favorite Places" - seems like occurs about 20 % of the time. Have to exit AOL and start over to fix.GaryB
-- GaryB (, January 05, 2000.
lost my conection to aol on 31 dec. after downL. 5.0 from int. Aol sayed 4.0 was not y2k comp. HA. Was on the phone all night with aol,s tec. but they could not figger it out ,soo now I have a new int.prov. Smokey PS lost all of my url,s to the the index page(bok0non) still up?
-- Smokey (, January 05, 2000.
Diane, I had the same problem. The computer tech support (Compaq) said that there are problems with AOL 5.0 and Windows 95, which is what I use. After I reinstalled 5.0, it has run much better but still locks up occasionally.
-- Carol (, January 05, 2000.
I've been using AOL 5.0 for a while and it has always locked up. If you check the AOL forum msgs, there were over 10,000 posts on problems.I'm now using and there was just a minor glitch the other night. It is a totally FREE ISP and you can still acess AOL through them. I have to say that it is better than AOL in speed and web sites simply look beter.
One other point. If you are satisfied with you can change your billing program on AOL to "Bring Your Own Access," and you only pay $9.95 per month. Don't forget to change your phone number in sign-on to TCP/IP and if you have to call AOL through one of their numbers, they charge you $2.50 per hour.
-- Cant Say (, January 05, 2000.