Nuclear plant glitches : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), seven licensees reported minor Y2K-related problems with computer systems used for support functions such as physical plant access control, monitoring operating data, and calculating meteorological data. None of these glitches affected continued safe operations, and most were corrected shortly after discovery. (ICC)

The North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) reported Saturday that the U.S. electric power grid made it through the Y2K rollover with "no reports of outages related to Y2K" (in fact, it appears that the nation's electric power grid experienced fewer problems than normally occur on a winter weekend). On Friday, NERC had reported that several electric utilities in North America had reported minor glitches in the non-critical clock synchronization feature of their energy management system computers. This had no affect on utility operations. (Dow Jones, ICC)

A Tokyo Electric Power spokesman said yesterday that a minor New Year's Day glitch at a nuclear power plant occurred in a system that monitors the position of control rods. The company was still investigating whether or not the problem was Y2K-related. Japan also experienced several other minor Y2K-related glitches at its nuclear power plants. (Dow Jones)

-- Bruce (, January 05, 2000


I these "glitches" are so minor, how come I'm glowing in the dark?

-- Swampthing (in@the.swamp), January 05, 2000.


Glowing in the dark eh? You think you've got it tough! Hah! Chicago has several nuke plants within an afternoon's drive, and I woke up this morning just covered in eyes! Some of them on stalks! Where am I going to find an optometrist to tell them all? Damn!

John Ludi, full of eyes.

-- Ludi (, January 05, 2000.

in=with tell=test

I hate when a blow a joke! Grumble....

John Ludi

-- Ludi (, January 05, 2000.

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