where the hell is pamie?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

umm, excuse me, did i miss something? did pamie send out a telepathic message that i somehow missed? has the y2k bug swallowed her whole? what is going on here?

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2000


I guess we all know who isn't getting the telepathic signals, now, don't we?

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2000

If you read her last entry, she said she had family in town until Tuesday. She's probably busy with them.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2000

Beth, Pamie's PR Agent.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2000

I've been sick and without a computer. I'm sorry to have taken so long to get back to you guys but I've been sleeping and drinking fluids for five days straight now. I'm going to go get more medicine and I'll update as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience!

-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000

Our patience?..geez hon..you owe us nothing...get better. Do not concern yourself with us..we will amuse ourselves..not as good as you can of course, but please..take your time, and shake it..this is a toughie..so take the time you need to get rid of it all the way..or it will be back...Sending chicken soup thoughts your way.

-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000


I thought we'd finally found a real victim of Y2K. I was ready to collect my 375 bucks from the Weekly World Whatever for the news tip.

Oh, not that I'm not thrilled to know you're still here, Pamie.


-- Anonymous, January 06, 2000

So, how do we know that Pamie was not struck by the Y2K bug (as well as the bronchitis bug...a bug causes that, right? anyway...)? Her message says the computer's been broken for 5 days...hmmm.....

Anyway, get well soon! Nothing new to read so I've been reading the back logs...I was up for 5 hours last night doing so and only got through 2 1/2 months...wow.

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2000

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