Conway Couple Receives $27,705 Water Bill: Human Error, Not Y2K : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
KATV Channel 4 News in Little Rock reported on 5 pm news that a Conway Couple, (woman's name is Anna Ruth Milam) received a water bill from Conway Corporation for $27, 705.64. A spokesman from Conway Corporation says human error is at fault, not Y2K.
-- Lisa (, January 04, 2000
Oops, make that "KARK-TV" not KATV
-- Lisa (, January 04, 2000.
Geez, most humans that I know would have noticed they were sending out a rather high bill to this woman!on de rock
-- Walter (on de, January 04, 2000.
Interesting. In that any systems I've worked on this type of month to month change of $1,000% or more would have been flaged and investigated. justthinkin com
-- justhtink com (, January 04, 2000.
justthink.comYou make a good point. The local water company where I live left a calling card on my neighbor's door to suggest he check for leaks when they noticed his water usage had jumped to 15,000 gallons. Since he is a truck driver, away from home, I keep a check on his place for him. I shut the water off and as it turned out he had a leak.
-- Lisa (, January 04, 2000.
Oops the clerk's bifocals were not Y2K compliant.
-- Notforlong (, January 04, 2000.