Power out in West Austin, Texasgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Howdy, Folks!This JUST in:
Co-worker just heard from his elderly mother(I couldn't help overhearing his side of the conversation in the cube farm) in West Austin, Texas; power is out in her neighborhood. Probably a transformer/line down/something physical, but strange. She had called him to see if we were down(good that telephone service is still working in her area, too). Skies are crystal clear here, temp is probably in the 50s; really beautiful(If a tad chilly for most).
More later,
-- Shimoda (enlighten@me.com), January 04, 2000
Couldn't help but comment on your name...I am a BIG BIG BIG fan of Richard Bach. Favorite quote: "...I am tired of clinging though I cannot see it with my eyes, I trust that the current knows where it is going. I shall let go and let it take me where it will. Clinging, I shall die of boredom." I thought I saw your biplane flying over today Don.
-- Dee (T1Colt556@aol.com), January 04, 2000.
Naw, too busy swimmin' through dirt.;-)
-- Shimoda (enlighten@me.com), January 04, 2000.
Besides, I wouldn't wanna get in the Travel Air right now; would you feel safe flying at the moment?(Had to do that, we gotta keep a sense of humor about us to get through this. BTW, the Travel Air is doing great, and yes Claudia, it doesn't need gasoline OR propane for that matter.)
More as it comes,
-- Shimoda (enlighten@me.com), January 04, 2000.
I am posting this from a house in central Austin. Power is on. Just came home from a job in west Austin. Power was on. If it is off in some neighborhood, more likely it was a suicidal squirrel than a Y2K bug.
-- Y2K Sailor (sailor@nowhere.moc), January 04, 2000.
"It's all illusions!" =)
-- Dee (T1Colt556@aol.com), January 04, 2000.