OT? - Freei.net down in several states at 2:00 AM EST

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

This free ISP has been down for half an hour now.

If you call Customer Service at 253-796-6505 you get a voice recording. Select "4" - Current System Status.

You are told that "Freei.net is experiencing 'authentication problems' in TX, CA, WA, FL. This may prevent some of our users from connecting at this time. We are aware of these problems and are working on it."

I'm calling from Mass. and I can't get in. I'm paying $ 2.50 an hour now to post this message. Grrrrr.

There is no message about the problem on their website: http://www.freei.net/

So, what are "authentication problems?"

-- Cant Say (Chicken@NoWay.com), January 04, 2000


I'm in central Cal. and my regular ISP DNS server is down, went down about 45 minutes ago. First the E-mail, that's back up, then the DNS server. I had to log into an alternate ISP.

-- Tom (tcgmtnman@spiralcomm.net), January 04, 2000.

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