Olympus 2000z vs. Olympus 2020greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I am trying to figure out whether to get a Olympus 2000Z or 2020, but seek advise regarding how these two models compare. The 2020 is newer and appears to have more extensive software. On the other hand the 2000Z appears to hold 7 high-res files and to be capable of 45 parid-fire shots, compared to 5 high-res files and 5 rapid fire shots on the 2020. The delay between shots appears improved from 2 seconds to one second on the 2020. The 2020 also offers more ISO options. The maximum and mimimum shutter speeds are broader on the 2020.Still, I remain uncertain what this all means. Help. Thanks.
-- Dave Skjeie (dskjeie@counsel.co.la.ca.us), January 04, 2000
I just upgraded from a 2000 to the 2020. Love them both, but some of the ergonomic changes on the 2020 are great. Plus, the pictures appear sharper, probably because of less JPG compression being applied. You won't go wrong with either. If you can find a deal on the 2000, get it. Otherwise, spring for the 2020.
-- Brad Grant (bradandsteph@home.com), January 04, 2000.
We're just working on our review of the C2020, should be up within 10 days or so. Meanwhile, FWIW, I'd personally spend the extra money for the 2020. The ability to have full-manual exposure control is a big deal, particularly when you're wanting to use the camera in low-light applications with flash. Also, there's a manual focus option on the 2020 that actually shows you the focusing distance on the LCD screen. This is quite rare among digicams, and very useful for those times when you can't get a good autofocus lock, and must estimate the distance. There are a lot of other ergonomic improvements in how the camera operates as well. Overall, I'd say it's worth the extra $$ to go for the 2020.
-- Dave Etchells (detchells@imaging-resource.com), January 10, 2000.