Help! Anyone heard of an Omega B-600? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I wound up with an Omega B-600. I've got a 4x5 carrier, but need a 35mm carrier. I can't find one! I can't get onto, and in all my searching, I have yet to find anything about the omega B-600.

I did manage to find a 35mm neg. carrier for omega, but when I got it home I found it doesn't fit's too long. If I slide it over the stop in the back I can get the image onto the baseboard, but I can't close the head. If all else fails, will that suffice? More importantly, where can I find a negative carrier for this particular model?


-- Amanda (, January 03, 2000


Try Columbus (Ohio) Camera at They have the originals, and they also make their own line of carriers that are very well done and about half the price.

-- Tony Brent (, January 03, 2000.

I believe Omega B-22 carriers will also work.

The B-600 was an economy model/update of the old B-22.

Check with these people:

-- John Hicks (, January 04, 2000.

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