MVD computers down; a Y2k problem? (NM) : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread | Home Page & More Local Information
MVD computers down; a Y2K problem? New Mexico Eyewitness News 4 has been receiving reports from customers across the state saying the Motor Vehicle Department computers are down.
The MVD office in Winrock mall is the only office currently operating in Albuquerque. After making phone calls, the state sent out a fax about the computer breakdowns throughout the state. Computers are down at MVD officers in the cities of Belen, Los Lunas and Alamogordo. Customers have also reported that computers are down at MVD offices in Rio Rancho, Tijeras and Bernalillo. State officials in Santa Fe are working to determine what has happened to the MVD system. It is not known yet whether the situation is caused by Y2K.
-- Homer Beanfang (, January 03, 2000
A local Taos resident called me this morning about this. FWIW, she was told by the local MVD clerk that (a) it was a Y2K problem, and (b) they weren't sure exactly when they would be back up, but there was no guarantee it would be tomorrow. The clerk may or may not be correct, but it created an impression in the mind of at least one citizen that Y2K had indeed struck.Clearly, this is not a life-and-death situation, but for someone trying to get an auto registration or license renewal, it's somewhat more annoying than discovering your coffee-maker is non-compliant.
-- Ed Yourdon (, January 03, 2000.
That sounds like a "vehicle hit a utility pole" problem.
-- The New Excuse (whathappenedto@the.squirrels?), January 03, 2000.
I saw it on MSNBC, someone had a video and caught a shot of the dang cuhuahua liftin' his leg and pissin' on the server.
-- Hokie (, January 03, 2000.
Say it ain't so, Ed!The man who made a fortune predicting the collapse of modern civilization is now commenting on people having to wait a couple days to renew their automobile registrations.
I guess the end of the world biz just ain't what it used to be!
-- zzzzz (usuallyalurker@thisisgetting.ridiculous), January 03, 2000.
Ed,Please, no more friend told me so stuff. If Mr CEO is willing to come forward, maybe we will be more tolerant of a friend told me so on this forum. I have lost a lot of respect from people I know because I thought Jim Lord and Gary North were trustworthy. They never should have reported the Mr. CEO junk in the first place without substantiation and neither should you say anything about New Mexico MVD....They should be speaking for themselves.
-- William R. Sullivan (, January 03, 2000.
I'm not so sure about that Ed.God help the world if I don't get my morning coffee. DANGER DANGER WILL ROBINSON! =0)
-- cin (, January 03, 2000.
I can't get the link. I get the following message:File not foundOur Web servers cannot find the page or file you asked for:
Is anybody else getting this?
-- Clyde (, January 04, 2000.
This IS a Y2K problem. KKOB 770AM Radio (Albuquerque, NM) this morning reported that the computer techs had previously fixed the MVD computers, but went back in to implement some changes regarding the new state law regarding age requirements for teen drivers who are just getting their licenses. In implementing the new change, they somehow screwed up and deleted the Y2K fixes. No repair time projected at this point.
-- Heard it on the Radio (Heard it on the, January 04, 2000.