HURRAY! Nothing to fear from y2k! : LUSENET : Responsible Y2K : One Thread |
WOW. I can't believe how many doom y2k forums are simply....gone! will this one stay up, or is it being closed now as well?
-- where (are@ll.theproblems?), January 02, 2000
Went to COSI, Center of Science and Industry in Columbus Ohio, today the 29th of Feb, leap day. Almost all of the virtual reality rides need a card swiped thru a reader to activate them. Today the card readers refused to work.We were told that leap year had messed them up. After having everybody screaming because nothing worked everything was turned to FREE. Every body got to ride all afternoon free. The few of us there had a blast. Y2K???????? u betcha
-- RinkeyDink (, February 29, 2000.