Any truth to the statements that electric utilities reset their clocks backwards? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
There have been several mentions today, of a statement that various electric utilities coped with the y2k problem by resetting their computer clocks back in time, to avoid the date change rollover, planning to fix it later on. Is there any truth to this? I am hoping that someone who actually has real information on this can respond to this. And, if there is any truth to it, what sort of date would they have used? Would all utilities use the same one?I am asking this as a serious question, and would appreciate only sincere serious informed replies- no troll garbage please.
-- farmer (, January 01, 2000
This is all I could find.ANKARA, Dec. 31 -- Turkey says it reset the date on computers monitoring an Iraqi oil pipeline from 1999 to 1995 to avoid any Y2K problems.
You can use this Link and keep checking for updates.
-- Uncle Bob (UNCLB0B@AOL.COM), January 01, 2000.
This might work
-- Uncle Bob (UNCLB0B@AOL.COM), January 01, 2000.
Nothing is working...try the URL:
-- Uncle Bob (UNCLB0B@AOL.COM), January 01, 2000.
According to an employee at GPU Energy in York, Pennsylvania, they switched over to the Year 2000 in testing about 3 months ago, and decided to leave their systems (other than billing) there! So now that it really is 2000, they have set their systems back to the correct date.
-- Tom (, January 01, 2000.
Farmer,The trick of setting the date back can often work if a date is required to satisfy internal processing requirements, but is not used to coordinate with external computer systems with which the system exchanges data and which are set to other dates.
It appears that electical power generation plants can share a common grid without their respective computers exchanging data. Thus, the computers at one plant could be set to one date, while the computers at the other plant could be set to another.
-- Jerry B (, January 01, 2000.
According to a bill insert, my power company set the calendar in their power generation stations FORWARD to 2027 last year, and will set it back next spring.Mikey2k
-- Mikey2k (, January 01, 2000.
Houston Police Dispatch system was not remediated. Its date was set back to 1995. They anounced the morning of Jan 1, 2000 that it rolled forward successfully to 1996. Now, they say they will have plenty of time to replace it. I hope they remember to replace it.
-- snooze button (, January 01, 2000.