Pentagon: Spy Satelitte in Y2K Failure : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

story not posted yet, but headline up...

-- Carl (, January 01, 2000


-- c. Thompson (, January 01, 2000.

Carl, here is another link to the story

I just happened onto this site last night, but i do not understand why there are not more responses to your thread, especially since this happened last night but is only now turning up in the news. Could you enlighten me? Thanks.

-- C. Thompson (, January 01, 2000.

My guess is that they waited until they fixed it before allowing any reports to surface...

Got a feeling the same thing is going on elsewhere...

Does look like the grid held pretty well... tho had some surges last night...

Expecting the real fun to begin Monday...

-- Carl (, January 01, 2000.

from msnbc world dispatches site

REDMOND, Wash., Jan. 1 -- Microsoft reports it's faced a couple Y2K glitches. For about an hour on New Year's Eve, the company's MoneyCentral Web site overestimated the worth of some customers' portfolios. (Microsoft blames a glitch in the data feed between it and Intuit.) Today, Microsoft engineers are trying to fix a problem with the free e-mail service Hotmail. If users have e-mail in their inbox dated prior to October 1999, it appears to have been sent in 2099.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jan 1 -- An apparent Y2K glitch briefly inactivated the automatic system controlling access to two areas of an Arkansas nuclear power plant early Saturday. A company spokesman says the problem was not a safety issue because it never kept workers out of any parts of the plant.

-- c. thompson (, January 01, 2000.

Matt's Story: tm XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX SAT 01/01/00 14:00:09 UTC XXXXX


The Pentagon experienced one "significant" Y2K failure on New Year's Eve, Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre said on Saturday.

"We did have one significant problem, one that I had wished we hadn't had, but we did," Hamre told reporters. "One of our intelligence systems, a satellite- based intelligence system, experienced some Y2K failures last night shortly after the rollover of Greenwich Mean Time."

Hamre revealed that for a period of several hours, officials at the Pentagon Officials lost their ability to monitor all data from the spy satellite.

And on the morning after the night before, the system was still "operating at less than our full peacetime level of activity," Hamre said.


The satellites were always under positive control," Hamre added. "At no time were we ever without positive control over the space assets.

"Our problem actually was here on the ground, in the processing station. We were able to adopt backup procedures, which had indeed been planned and rehearsed, and they are in place right now as we're working through the final details."

Filed by Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant for updates
Not for reproduction without permission of the author

-- don't ask (, January 01, 2000.

WASHINGTON(Reuters) - Seven U.S. commercial nuclear reactors experienced minor Year 2000 computer-related problems after the New Year's rollover, but none affected safety systems and were quickly fixed, government officials said Saturday.

The seven plants saw malfunctions with computer systems used to support physical plant access control, the monitoring of operating data and the calculation of meteorological data.

"None of the affected systems impacted continued safe operations," according to a statement from John Koskinen, President Clinton's Y2K trouble-shooter.

There are 103 operating nuclear plants in the United States, providing roughly 20 percent of the nation's power.

The plants and their problems follow:

-- Arkansas Nuclear in Russellville, Ark. A personnel entry dosimeter went down after a software fix was not uploaded. It was uploaded and fixed.

-- Indian Point 3 in Buchanan, N.Y. Transmission of atmospheric data to plant failed. Computer was rebooted and fixed.

-- Millstone 2 in Waterford, Conn. Averaging of wind speed at a meteorological tower and averaging of certain radiation monitor readings. Failed programs were reset successfully.

-- Nine Mile Point 1 in Scriba, N.Y. Transmission of meteorological tower data to computers failed. The system was transferred to manual entry and corrected.

-- Palo Verde in Wintersburg, Ariz. A clock in a non-critical monitoring system did not synchronize. System ran fine on internal clock.

-- Pilgrim 1 in Plymouth, Mass. A computer program failed and was fixed in a few minutes in a non-safety system.

-- Monticello in Monticello, Minn. An interface with a plant process computer failed. The system was later fixed.

Carl Paperiello, a spokesman for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said everything went well during the Y2K rollover, with no safety systems challenged by computer problems.

"No critical functions were affected," Paperiello said.

-- c. thompson (, January 01, 2000.

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