Power plants..greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Earlier this morning, CNN Headline news said that 8 nuclear plants reported problems last night (still checking on that Y2K thing, of course).Anybody know which ones, etc???
-- Arewyn (artemis31@email.msn.com), January 01, 2000
My Dear Arewyn,To answear you question, the plants where. (on the American contintent).
Catawba Reactor
Duke Power, in South Carolina
Vogtle Reactor
Southrn Co. In Georgia
Limerick Reactor
Phil. Elect. in Penn.
-- Shakey (in_a_bunker@forty.feet), January 01, 2000.
1 in Conn.,2 in New York,1 in Ark.,1 in AR. FROM C-SPAN,watch at 3 o'clock eastern time.
-- harry huges (daddyo57@hotmail.com), January 01, 2000.