AMTRAK Oil pipelines shut down as a precaution : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Sam Donaldson just announced on ABC News that last night AMTRAK trains were down for a short while after midnight.

He also said that two oil pipelines were shut down after midnight. One of them has been fixed. The other has been down for 20 hours.

-- Erin Bryson (, January 01, 2000


Response to AMTRAK was down, Oil pipelines down

The pipelines were taken out of service as a precaution. One was scheduled to be out for 8 hours and the other for 20.

-- Sally Strackbein (Reston, VA) (, January 01, 2000.

Thanks Sally. I know that it was also the case than many rail operations shutsown for a bit. I have changed the thread subject to reflect this so that it is clear but we will need to look into the report about the oil pipeline that is reported to be down for 20 hours.

-- Steve Davis (Columbia, MD) (, January 01, 2000.

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