Post from NZ--Not Good Outllok for : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
I have a fairly DGI writer friend in NZ who is starting to get nervous. Her utility had a Y2K test that failed...<
Here's an update that doesn't sound good, but we have our fingers crossed. Our local power supplier put a test through last night - and it failed!!!Six and a half hours to go.>>
-- Mara (, December 30, 1999
Mara,I am curious about how you found out about the failure at your local power co. Was it on the news, or do you have a contact?
-- semper paratus (ready@or.not), December 31, 1999.
Oh wait, now I get it... That was the quote from the email from your friend. Duh, sorry.
-- semper paratus (ready@or.not), December 31, 1999.
Where in NZ is your friend? We're on the North Shore and our power was off for an hour on the 29th. We figured they were doing a Y2k test. We aren't optimistic. We were in the city when power was out, and power here has problems on a good day. The electritian that hooked up our generator commented that his brother lived "over here" and his power went out a lot (people hitting power poles, etc.) (Don't respond to e-mail- I never check hotmail.)
-- pilotrn (, December 31, 1999.
pilotrn,Cooool, will you be able to keep us filled in on the latest news?
-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), December 31, 1999.
If I don't have too much champagne ;)
-- pilot (, December 31, 1999.
Now don't ya'll get all torqued, but my sister up in Portland (Orygun, that is) has turned off all her electric circuits except for lights. She even turned off her answering machine. All due to several outages and some brownish power this a.m. She doesn't plan to turn stuff back on until next Monday, I think she said.Meanwhile, here in SOUTHWEST Orygun, we had a little outage and something weird happened when the power came back on a second or two later. I thought some one was banging on the kitchen door! But it was myu Amana fridge going KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!
Anybody else from Portland experiencing black/brown outs?
-- jumpoff joe a.k.a. Al K. Lloyd (, December 31, 1999.